Karen’s practice is underpinned by Person-Centred Philosophy and the importance of relationship. Karen seeks to be engaged and understand you. Karen’s passion for people and the relationship is clear when you meet her. Key to Karen’s practice is empathy, respect and transparency and a commitment to life long study and her own therapy. She practices resonance and responsiveness and sensitivity whilst being straight forward and usually having humour within her sight.
Karen has studied the person-centred approach formally for seven years and at Masters Level for three of those. In addition, she holds a post-graduate qualification in supervision. She is also strongly committed to her supervision and currently has three supervisors and peer supervision from a variety of approaches to maintain a rigorous, thought provoking and effective practice.
Karen is currently studying with Babette Rothschild (The Body Remembers) on a course in Somatic Trauma Therapy to reflect more deeply on our bodily responses to trauma. As well as being deeply influenced by Carl Rogers she is also influenced by gestalt therapy, existentialists Irvin Yalom, Ernesto Spinelli, Yungian therapist, John Haule and couple therapist, Esther Perel. she has studied the impact of neuroscience on psychotherapy and influenced by for example, Allan Schore and Antonio Damasio.
Karen is an artist and over recent years has begun to grow into her own skin as an artist. Her art influences her practice because she paints from the inside out and her canvases reflect her internal processes and help make sense of what she needs to pay attention to.