“Nothing will work unless you do”
– Maya Angelou
“Shine like the universe is yours”
– Rumi
Life is very busy and time for you is often all too short, so now is the time to act and reach your potential! The coaching relationship will hold all that is necessary for you to take time to explore and develop your own route to discovery and awareness. Karen works nationally and internationally with corporate, public and third sectors. In recent years, Karen’s coaching practice has included working outdoors to make use of the natural environment and coachees can therefore choose to work in or out or both.
Karen promotes women in leadership which includes facilitating groups of women leaders. One group lasted for three years and all the women transitioned to new positions being either promoted or finding their element and passion through the group process, leading them to more exciting roles. She has designed and facilitated workshops to support women looking and feeling good and the power of feeling confident. She is passionate about her support of women and the need for greater equality in every aspect, including leadership.

Karen would be delighted to work with you. To support you finding the right coach for you, Karen offers an initial half hour free and if she is not the right fit, she will offer you contact details of other coaches.
Karen’s coaching relationships create a fertile ground for your growth and change to reach high points that were impossible before. This will all take place in a relaxed, private and encouraging environment. Karen has consulting rooms in Sheffield and London and outdoors.
Karen has worked with leaders for twenty years and has mastered a unique way of working which supports enduring positive change. She is an NHS Accredited Coach and she is on the Coaching Division BACP executive and her company is a provider for the NHS Leadership Academy Framework.
Whatever is on your mind or is getting in the way of you feeling confident and great, Karen would be delighted to work with you to find the right coach, she therefore offers the first half free of charge so that you can “shop” around for the right therapist or coach who is a good fit for you.
Karen’s recent study and attention has been the use of nature in her practice. It is within this context she completed two courses to provide the space for her to explore working outdoors and the use of the natural environment and how this deepened awareness and connection. Karen has located walks in Ringinglow on the edge of Sheffield and the Peak District. Her routes offer woodland, open spaces and views, a stream and open moorland to provide a variety of terrain. These are public footpaths but are not usually busy and there are many opportunities to get off the beaten track and have private spaces. Karen is based in Sheffield on the edge of the Peak District.
“An opportunity for personal development which is empowering and motivating and is not bound by a set of “learning outcomes” or objectives that don’t suit the needs of an individual by focussing on the person, their values, behaviours and experiences as well as providing opportunity for practical discussions about career development; career plan plus has enabled me to “step outside” the workplace and embark on a personal journey.
The results of this approach have enabled the growth of my inner confidence and improved knowledge of myself. I have been able to explore personal responses and beliefs which have at times, present a barrier to my own career progression. Ultimately I find myself in a “better place” to be able to enact the practical steps that I need to take to be able to progress my career the way I would like.
I also believe that the process has helped to affirm to me the very positive qualities that I already possessed as a leader, qualities that at times I felt unsure about or lacked the confidence and self belief in, to be able to outwardly project is some work related situations.
“As you know I am not often lost for words but I have found it difficult to find the correct words to express just how grateful I am to you for all the work that we did together…I have received much well intentioned help and opinion in the years that I have been unwell and I think that most of it missed the point. You, however, guided me unerringly in the rediscovery of what is truly important in my life by helping me to acknowledge that there are values and higher values that are authentic and worth striving towards. Your patience and empathy played a major role in beginning the restoration of my identity…
Very specifically, you helped me through the National Clinical Assessment Service Back on Track Action Plan. Under the pressure of this instrument you showed me where my strengths lay and how to use them most effectively. I will always be grateful for the time you devoted to showing me that whatever currents and maelstroms beset me I was who I am and that worth being. Our sessions took me from worthless to worthy, from fear to courage and from vanquished victim to once again starting to be myself in a way with which I was secure Since our sessions ended I have often had cause to look back and reflect on what you said. I cannot begin to praise you sufficiently for what you did. I came to you nearly destroyed. I felt that I was more deserving of scrapping rather than restoration. I had lost all of my sparkle.
I felt that all of facets of who I was had either gone or were on their way out. You restored my confidence in me and in the things that I value. You defended me against my harshest critic and set him again on a firm footing, a sure foundation from where he can now speak supportively of my achievements and attributes that require attention. I have a confidence that I thought I had lost and a path in life that, if not seamless and straight, is at least visible and interesting. Thank you for all you have done for me and for all the fruit that work will bear in due course.”
– Consultant Paediatrician