Services: Counselling/Therapy: for individuals adults and young people, couples and groups.

Executive/Leadership coaching: for managers and leaders in the public, third and independent sectors. Karen establishes an effective working relationship with you to initiate a helpful conversation to facilitate change and growth. Your interaction will engender a chemistry which will give rise to completely new insights, awareness and behaviours. This makes way for a magical, dynamic and powerful union from the coaching relationship.

Supervision for practitioners, managers and leaders: Karen thoroughly enjoys working with therapists, coaches, medical consultants, heads of organisations and groups to provide supervision. She believes that supervision is the key to effective practice in paying attention to significant gains and challenges. The relationship operates within safe conditions and a growth-promoting climate in which the supervise can freely explore their own feelings, issues and difficulties and one where Karen is appreciative, respectful, honest, accepting, inquiring and gently challenging.

  • Long and short term individual, couple and group therapy/counselling.
  • Fees: flexible, sliding scale & negotiable – average starting point is £50.00 per hour
  • Cancellations – are not charged if another appointment can be arranged within the usual time frame

Karen Ledger